Monday, April 04, 2022

Monday Business: Dorcas' story from Acts 9

 It is Monday.   What do we have to think about this week?  Do not be disappointed!

 I'll tell you a story about a Biblical woman who had a business.  Dorcas in the Bible book of Acts.....

Dorcas, or Tabitha, lived in the city of Joppa on the Mediterranean seacoast around AD 1.  Her story is rather amazing. She lived during the period of the massive spreading of the new Gospel of Jesus after His death and resurrection.  She was very active in making things, especially clothing for the poor and needy.  She was beloved in Joppa.   (Acts 9:36)  

She became very ill and died, and the believers in Joppa that knew her immediately called for the apostle Peter to come to her deathbed.   At the scene, even the widows were showing Peter some of the lovely clothing she had made them in her lifetime. 

Reading the raising account might bring you more awareness of that, but I'd like to focus more on her purpose in earthly life.   Knowing Dorcas was in Paradise, Peter most likely prayed because of those who still needed her and her gifts in Joppa.  As it turns out, many came to faith in Jesus because of this, and afterwards many many were helped with her work.  God no doubt raised her up in an act of great mercy for the sake of others around her.

I would love to be like Dorcas.  Lord, rise me from the death of my complacency and let me move in your calling.   Giving to others and training them to give in business is my passion.  Let us sew a new garment on behalf of others in our work today.